Do you have a conflict with neighbors about exactly where your property begins and theirs ends? Boundaries do not always follow existing fence lines or current usage, which can lead to misunderstandings and cause problems between homeowners.
Take these steps if a disagreement arises with your neighbor about property lines.
Request a land survey
You can often get an existing land survey from your municipality if you know how to read this type of document. You can also hire a professional to read this document on your behalf and mark the property lines accordingly.
Talk to your neighbor
Once you have established legal land boundaries, discuss the existing issue with your neighbor. Has he or she trespassed on your land, built a structure on your property or otherwise disregarded the boundaries? If so, respectfully but directly ask your neighbor to discontinue the unwanted use or remove his or her property from your land.
Send a demand letter
Perhaps your neighbor refuses to remove a shed that stands within your property line, constructed an unlawful fence or allows children to cut through your land on the way to school, creating a liability issue. If they do not stop after a polite conversation, have your attorney send a certified letter demanding that the encroachment stop.
Hopefully, receiving this letter will show your neighbor that you do not plan to let the boundary issue go. Otherwise, you may need to file a lawsuit or seek mediation to resolve the issue. In some cases, you can reach an agreement such as charging your neighbor a specific amount to lease the part of your land he or she uses.